Get The Facts: The Villages at The Alhambra

As we work to create a more walkable Alhambra by introducing The Villages at The Alhambra, we have noticed a few misperceptions around the project.

To make sure that the community stays informed about the project facts, we want to share some key findings and information from the official Draft Environmental Impact Report with you:

  • The Villages Will Be Phased Over a 10-Year Period – The project’s development will not be all at once but rather at a pace similar to the City’s growth over the last decade.
  • The Villages Will Provide Affordable Housing – We understand housing costs are a huge concern for us all, and our team is committed to dedicating a percentage of the new residences to be affordable. With 1,061 new housing units in total, the project will meet the full spectrum of needs for affordable housing, rental housing and for-sale housing all designed together in one walkable community at The Alhambra campus. As the project is still being finalized, we are working to determine exactly how many units will be affordable and at what level.
  • The Villages Are Environmentally SafeState regulatory agencies have issued soil no further action letters for environmental requirements for the proposed site of The Villages at The Alhambra certifying that the soil is safe to build on with no environmental concerns to public health. All new development will be done safely, in compliance with local, state, and federal agency requirements.
  • The Villages Will Provide a Net Gain of 650 Trees – The Villages project includes the addition of 864 new trees on-site to balance the removal of 214 trees. This will result in a net gain of 650 trees for the City of Alhambra.
  • The Villages Complies With Alhambra’s General Plan – In 2006, the City of Alhambra made a text change to amend the zoning code citywide related to the allowable use for an “Urban Residential use”. According to the City’s General Plan, an Urban Residential use with 75 DU/acre on any site in excess of 30 acres is allowed via a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The project falls completely in line with this requirement and we are not seeking a general plan amendment.
  • The Villages Is Creating a More Walkable Alhambra – There have been incorrect numbers circulating online for the projection of average daily vehicle trips, and we want to make sure that the official data is being shared. The trip projections are based on conservative estimates for multiple factors including population growth, the submitted list of projects provided by the City through 2028 and the car trips generated by our specific project through 2028. Conservative estimates anticipate the first phase of the project, estimated to be completed in 2024, will yield 3,302 average daily vehicle trips and any growth beyond that will be incremental over a 10-year period. Metro has also committed approximately $300 million in funding for over 30 traffic improvements in the City of Alhambra, which will include further improvements to local street intersections, freeway interchange operations and traffic signal synchronization that improve mobility in this part of the city. In order to reduce traffic in Alhambra long-term, it is important to consider the walkability benefits that this new housing will provide. 61% of current tenants that we surveyed at The Alhambra campus said they would want the opportunity to live on-site rather than commute — removing a significant number of cars from the road during rush hour.
  • We Are Active in the Community & Welcome Your Feedback – As you may already know, our team is constantly engaging with the Alhambra community. It is our goal is to be transparent with members of the community and make sure that all voices are heard in this process. Our outreach is designed to provide information about the proposed project and obtain community feedback.

We welcome all community feedback, since your input helps shape our vision and makes the project better.

We appreciate you taking these facts into consideration and are more than happy to speak in person about the project, answer any questions you might have or just chat about Alhambra and its future.

Send us an email anytime at or call us directly at (626) 727-9304 and we will be happy to set up a meeting.

We wish you a wonderful week and appreciate your interest in The Villages at The Alhambra!